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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Re: ::: ::: CS506 3rd Assignment Idea Solution Required

CS604 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
Posted on July 17, 2012 by vusolutions
CS604 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
1: The maximum number of pages in process address space is one million
and the total address size (p +d) of process address space is 32- bit
with page size is 4096 bytes. Calculate the number of bits required
for page number (p) and the number of bits required for offset (d)?
2: What are the three stages/times when the address is bound to
instructions and data?
3: What is mounting and explain It.???
4: Three types of access modes and classes of users in UNIX protection?
5: What is Load Time?
6: What is Index Allocation Method?
7: Choose Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Scheduling from the following;
First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) Scheduling
Shorted Job First (SJF) Scheduling
Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF) Scheduling
Priority Scheduling
Round-Robin Scheduling
Multilevel Queues Scheduling
Multilevel Feedback Queues Scheduling
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IT430 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
Posted on July 17, 2012 by vusolutions
Total = 80 marks
MCQs = 40
2 Marks = 5
3 Marks = 5
5 Marks = 3
Draw back of POP3 as compare to IMAP (2)
A person is guilty of bomb blast, in which court he will sentenced (2)
Which method should be used when companies are perfectly competitive (2)
When a buyer can see the original serial # in E-cash paymant system (2)
Data cleaning and Data Selecting (2)
Industry and Competitive strategy (3)
Assume that there is a company named that deals in computer
products. does not have strong relationships with the computer
dealers and sells the products directly to the consumers. keeps
its cost below than competitor's costs who have stronger relationship
with the computer dealers. Identify the strengths, weaknesses and
threats of according to SWOT analysis (3)
Scenario was given and you have to find out the differentiation,
relevance and perceived value from that (3)
What is the drawback of SSL, why people don't trust it? (3)
Whats E-business promotions methods will you use to attract customers? (5)
what are the possible cultural barriers data copied from vu solutions
dot com that a company has to face while running its
e-commercebusiness internationally?(5)
In a two years agreement of partnership Mr. A breaches it after one
year..Where Mr. B will forward his case and what factors will involve
and according to law of limitations in what period he can file his
case? (5)
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STA630Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
Posted on July 17, 2012 by vusolutions
STA630Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
1. scenraio was given and asked as a researcher how you will to
Pretest and Posttest?
2. For teacher evaluation, 5 characteristics were given and asked to
atleast develop one dimension for Likert Scale?
3. How we can make data presentation more interesting?
4. Mail questionnairs are not data copied from vu solutions dot com
expensive always? discuss
5. one was about the Qualitative and Quantitative approach for H-C-reasearch
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ENG301 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
Posted on July 17, 2012 by vusolutions
ENG301 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
mcqs were mostly new. and the instructor asked conceptual questions
mosly. so prepare the last lectures for mcqs, Abd subjective was as
1.What is editing.2marks
2. difference b/w letter of acceptance and letter of authorization. 3
3. what are resumes deceptions? lies in resumes? 3
4. what are pakistan cultural differences? 5
5 write cultures diversity with the advancments of the technology?3
6. Write the distraction fualts in of Negiciation.? 5
7. explain the two adnantages of data copied from vu solutions dot com
listening? 3
8.formates of both formal and informal minutes of meeting? 5
9.what is phsychlogical Pre-employment test ? 2
10.what points msut be take in minf=d while drafting outline of Thesis?
two qeustion bhool geya, wo b asan the.
Posted in VU Final Term Spring 2012 | Tagged ENG301 VU Final Term
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FIN621 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
Posted on July 17, 2012 by vusolutions
FIN621 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
Most frequent questions from shares & capital
- calculate the net income ratio to percentage of net sales
- operating cycle and cash cycle
- preferred stock & common data copied from vu solutions dot com difference
- auditors opinion – adverse(not followed the GAAP) – qualified(
require certain observations) – unqualified (with conformity) & last
one disclaimer
- GAAP – Generally accepted accounting principles
Another Paper:
My current Fin 621 is the total question 64 tay or long question ya hain
total net sale ? formula or partice question ta.
financial lerveage
explain the dividend or share ?
what is the accurate picture of profitability of business?
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ECO402 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
Posted on July 17, 2012 by vusolutions
ECO402 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
Total question 64.
56 mcq's 4 ques 3 marks k n 4 ques 5 marks.
if the owner of a small manufacturing company writes its own account
book. then how will you measure its opportunity cost? 3 marks
1) if the monopolistically competitive market becomes a competetive
market, then what will the effects on price level?
2) should the monopolistically competitive data copied from vu
solutions dot com market be regulated? why? (2+3)
if a company is monopoly then what will the relation between supply
input and marginal expenditures? with an example.
5 marks.
if the price falls then briefly discuss the two effects of price falls. 5 marks.
mari memory bht thori c hai so baqi ques mujhy bhol gaye hain..
but i remember that mostly questions oligopoly, monopoly and monopsony
firms k bary main thy.
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CS615 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
Posted on July 17, 2012 by vusolutions
CS615 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
Total question 52
12 subjective question
40 MCQ's
MCQ's roun about 20 to 25 from past papers and mostly were new and scenario base
Subjective type question are
1) proactive and reactive
2) WBS why we use??
3) Software requiremnt ki phases kitni hain?
4) tools and techniques for the team managemnt
5) output from the staff data copied from vu solutions dot com aqusition
6) aik scenario base the us mei btanaa tha functional requirments koun
c hain aur non functional requirments koun c??
7) Reenginerring process ki diagram
8) Team development kaye steps
9) risk identification
10) Lag and lead time
11) kitnye areas hain jis mei hum software requirment management ko
divide ker sktye hain?
12) last b scenario based tha
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CS607 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
Posted on July 17, 2012 by vusolutions
CS607 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
cs607 AI My todays paper
1- Advantages of neural network
2- what is the difference between knowledge analysis and evaluation function
3- Stages of life cycle of ESDLC
4- steps of knowledge data copied from vu solutions dot com elicitation
5- FIS applications
6- Difference between supervised and unsupervised learning
7- Describe input component on learning system
8- CNF conversion
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FIN623 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
Posted on July 17, 2012 by vusolutions
FIN623 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
FIN-623 Taxation Management
Total Marks 88
Total Questions 64
MCQs were 56 x 1 mark = 56 marks
short Question 4 x 3 markd =12 marks
long question 4 x 5 marks = 20 marks
50 % MCQs were almost from past papers
50 % MCQs were new about tax rates of 2012
4 Question of 3 markd were from 22 to 35 chapters
4 Question of 5 markd were from 35 to 45 chapters
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CS604 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
Posted on July 17, 2012 by vusolutions
CS604 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
mostly mcq's from past papers……..
How can u display the status of suspended and background processes in
Unix/Linux shell.?
How can u terminate the processes in Unix/Linux shell.?
The problem with using an acyclic-graph structure is ensuring that
there are no cycles. What is the solution?What is Mounting? Name two
types of mounting.
Give your answer with respect to File System?
About load time in computer compilation data copied from vu solutions dot com?
Briefly explain the difference Least frequently used and Most
Frequently Used algorithms with respect to Page Replacement
techniques. ( 5marks)
Consider a logical address space of eight pages of 1024 words each,
mamapped ont a physical memory of 32 frames.
How many bits are there in the logical address?
How many bits are there in the physical address? ( 5marks)
Draw backs of semaphore? ( 5marks)
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HRM624 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
Posted on July 17, 2012 by vusolutions
HRM624 Current Spring 2012 Final Term VU Paper [July 2012] Virtual
University of Pakistan
total 64 questions ….. 56 MCQs was much easy ….
4,4 ques of 3 and 5 marks.
1) levels of panchayat. 3mks
2) purpose of ethics in mediation. 3mks
3) privacy is more important. according to this which ADR techniuqe
should be used. 3mks
4) 1 ques was related to BATNA. 3mks
5) varieties of non binding evalutaion. 5mks
6) effects of heuristics data copied from vu solutions dot com. 5mks
7) creativity is main concern. according to this which ADR techniuqe
should be used. 5mks
8) forgot the last ques. 5mks
total marks 85….
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On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 12:12 AM, Nadeem Abbas
<> wrote:
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> --
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