Instructions for Internship Report Writing
- Before starting Internship, move to your VULMS page and review the semester calendar so that you will be aware of the dates of different submissions and can divide your time for Internship report accordingly.
- Always keep a margin of time for uploading any file so that in case of any inconvenience or mishap you have enough time for submitting the document.
- Review the VULMS page thoroughly so that you can get all the relevant information provided to you for writing internship report.
- Presenting a document in a proper way and in proper format can help you to make it more appealing and attractive. Formatting guidelines are also uploaded on VULMS of the course so that you can present every document in proper format. Upload your document in Microsoft Word format (Any version except MS word 2007)/Open Office. Don't convert your document in PDF or in any other format.
- You are required to upload every submission on VULMS of the course. The documents received through e-mail will not be entertained.
- You are required to do internship relevant to your area of specialization. However, if there is no specific department relevant to your area of specialization, then do internship in any available organization and put more emphasis on activities relevant to your area of specialization.
- Copying or cheating is strictly prohibited and shall be treated under plagiarism. Any evidence of plagiarism, if found at any instance, shall be dealt strictly as per ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY.
The following points must be kept in mind while writing the internship report:
- "Brief introduction of business sector" deals with the main area which the organization deals in. i.e. consumer consumable, consumer durable and services, e.g. Textile, Dairy or Services etc. but you should discuss the main sector NOT the organization under consideration.
- It should specifically deal with the organization under consideration and its status whether international, multinational or local.
- In sub-section titled "The departments in which you got training and duration of training", you are only required to mention name of the departments and length of your stay/working in the mentioned departments.
- In sub-section titled "Introduction of all departments", you are required to mention clearly what activities take place in all the departments of the organization under consideration.
- In sub-section titled "Detailed description of the department(s) you worked in", you are required to describe in detail the major tasks you were assigned or the department(s) where you spent most of your time for being relevant to the area of specialization.
- Critical analysis: This section is the most important part of internship report. In this section, you are required to thoroughly observe the activities and practices in the organization and relate these activities with the theoretical concepts you studied during your academic career. To 'relate' means to judge whether these practices are in accordance with the theory and the declared standards of the organization or not. You would have to comment whether they do so or not.
- SWOT analysis: Clearly describe all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Remember that strengths and weaknesses are internal to the organization and represent its culture while opportunities and threats correspond to the environment outside the organization. Strengths are those qualities which distinguish or give an edge to the organization over other organizations. Weaknesses are the attributes of an organization that are harmful in achieving the objectives of the organization. Opportunities are the external factors that are helpful for achieving the objectives of the organization. Threats are the external factors which could damage the performance of the organization.
- Conclusion: In this section, you are required to describe the organization according to your evaluation/assessment in the light of critical and SWOT analyses.
- Recommendations: In this section, you are required to suggest solutions for all the problems or discrepancies (you have pointed out in critical and SWOT analyses) found in the organization .
- Compile your report from student's perspective rather than that of the organization's , i.e. write They….' rather than 'We' which is organization's approach.
- Include all the additional data that you have gathered and consulted from secondary sources to compile your internship report in annexure.
- You will be required to upload your internship report on VULMS of the course which will be evaluated by the concerned Course Instructor and will be uploaded thereafter.
- Always remember that an internship report is a formal document. Every item must be in the appropriate place, and repetition of material in different places should be avoided.
- You must review your internship report before submitting it. It is a good practice to ask anyone else to read your internship report at least once. It will help in highlighting the mistakes in your internship report which you might have ignored.
- Do not skip any part mentioned in the format uploaded on VULMS of the course as every part is important.
- After making the internship report, make sure it is according to the format provided on VULMS. The word limit for an internship report should ideally range between 8,000 to 10,000 words.
- Provide relevant data in the final internship report. Keep in mind that not only quantity but also quality does matter.
- Try to make your document as much appealing as possible.
- The more finely you compile your document, the more impressive it will become.
Formatting Guidelines for Project/Internship Report Writing
1. Every page in the internship report should have a page number, except Title page and Dedication. For the prefatory sheets use small Roman Numerals (i, ii, iii….); for the body and annexure use Arabic Numerals (1, 2, 3….) according to the following guidelines:
i. Prefatory parts page numbers are centered and placed ½ inch below the imaginary line that frames the bottom of the typewritten material. Count and number the prefatory pages as shown below:
m Title page Count (i) but do not insert page number
m Dedication Count (ii) but do not insert page number
m Acknowledgement Count and number
m Executive summary Count and number
m Table of Contents Count and number
ii. Body and annexure page numbers are usually placed near the bottom-right corner of the page, aligned with the right margin and ½ inch (or a double space) below the bottom imaginary line that frames the typewritten material.
2. Page Borders: Only on Top and Bottom
3. Word Limit: at least 8,000 to 10,000 words
4. Font Size: 12 pt.
5. Font Style: Times New Roman
6. Font Color: Black
7. Line Spacing: One & a half (1.5)
8. Headings and Sub headings: Bold and/or Underline
9. Margin:
Left 1.50"
Right 1.00"
Bottom 1.00"
Top 1.00"
General Guidelines for Formatting a Document
Follow these guidelines for the formatting of your document:
1. Table of Contents
Give all the headings of your document by using "heading styles".
The path is
Format >>>> styles and formatting
You can choose "heading 1" for the main headings; "heading 2", "heading 3" and so on for the subheadings.
You can modify the heading style, as you move the cursor over the heading style a downward bar will appear, by clicking at the right side of the heading style and then modify it according to your requirement.
Click your mouse on the page where you want to make your table of contents. Then go to:
Insert >>>> Reference >>>> Index and Tables >>>> Table of Contents
A Table of contents will automatically appear.
2. Alignment
Alignment means arrangement or positioning of your written material in a straight or in parallel lines. You can change the alignment of your whole document, a single page, a single paragraph by going to Page Setup;
File >>>> Page Setup >>>> Layout
The options for alignment are also available on the toolbar of the document.
3. Margins
The space around the printed or written material on a page is called a margin. You can set the upper, lower, left and right margins of your document by using the Page Setup;
File >>>> Page Setup >>>> Margins
You can also set margins by using rulers appeared on the upper and left side of the document. If these rulers are not appearing on the document, go to 'View' on the tool bar and check the 'Ruler'.
4. Line Spacing
The space from the bottom of one line of text to the bottom of the next line is called line spacing. You can set line spacing of documents from single to double or 1.5 before you start typing.
On the Formatting toolbar, point to Line Spacing, and then click on the desired line spacing. (Toolbar: A bar with buttons and options that you use to carry out commands. To display a toolbar, press Alt and then Shift+F10)
5. Numbers and Bullets
Select the text that you want to do number or apply bullets.
Go to:
Format >>>> Bullets and Numbers
On this sub window different tags will appear like bullets or numbers. Select the tag that is most appropriate to you.
6. Font and Character Spacing
For font style, font size and character spacing
Go to:
Format >>>> Font
You can also change the font size and font style by using options available on formatting toolbar.
7. Header and Footer
You can insert header and footer on your document by
View >>>> Header and Footer
8. Page Numbers
The path for insertion of page numbers is
Insert >>>> Page numbers
If you are using Header and Footer on your page then you can also insert page numbers by using the tool bar opened with footer. Usually, the page numbers are not inserted on the title page. For this purpose, go to:
Insert >>>> Page numbers and then uncheck the box "show number on first page".
9. Justify the Text
You can justify your text so that right margin is in straight vertical line and extra spaces within a line are justified accordingly. For this purpose,
Click 'Justify' before you start typing. However, if you want to justify the text that has already been typed, select the relevant text and then click 'Justify'.
10. To give page numbers in Roman Numerals and Arabic Numerals in the same document
You will have to create two Sections; one for the prefatory parts and the other for text parts to insert numbers.
Follow these steps:
Move to the last page of prefatory parts, on that page your cursor should be in the end of page. Then on the tool bar, click at
Insert >>>> Break >>>> Section Break Types >>>> Next Page
(Now you have created two sections of the document successfully)
Go to:
Page Numbers >>>> Format >>>> select Roman Numerals and select Start at (i) (This will give Roman page numbers to the selected prefatory parts)
Now for the second section i.e. Text parts go to the first page of Text Parts. Your cursor should be at the top of first page of text parts.
Go to:
Page Numbers >>>> Format >>>> Select Arabic Numerals and Start at (1)
You can use same sections to omit page numbers at the title page and start giving numbers from the next page.
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